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  • kishor.j_88

    You can enable return code by adding below code in the run.bat script,
    %JAVA_HOME%binjava -Xmx1024m -Dinstance=%1 -Dconfig.dir=%CONFIG_DIR% -Dsystem.dir=%SYSTEM_DIR% -DconsoleExitCode=true -DorgId=1 -Dconfig.file.type=2 -classpath .;%CR%/*; com.dbsync.salesforce.dbsynch.Driver %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7

    set ExitCode=%ERRORLEVEL%

    echo %ExitCode%

    Follow the link for complete guide on the same,


    We can map the shipping address from Quote of Opportunity attached to the QB sales receipt. We need to update the mappings based on SyncedQuoteId which is standard field of SF.

    5 years, 1 month ago in reply to: DBSync is slow marking deletions in data #5725

    The tool by default checks for deletions on Salesforce for past 24 hours. This can be reduced so the tool queries for each hour or less, since the incremental runs would be scheduled to run very often say every 30 minutes or every hour.
    The default property value is deleted.query.days=1 stored in file located at <>dbsync-cdmWEB-INFdbconf, the value can be changed to query deletions for past hour by setting it to 0.0416.

    5 years, 4 months ago in reply to: Redirect logs to dedicated disk #5710

    Yes, you can redirect the logs to a different directory, edit the file located at <>/conf and change/provide the path as required, this will move the tomcat logs to the path provided.
    For moving the profile level logs to a dedicated path/disk you need to edit the file file located at <
    >dbsync-cdmWEB-INFdbconf and add the property log.dir=<>, restart the tomcat and you should see the logs created at the specified path.

    5 years, 5 months ago in reply to: Help with Scheduling #5701

    The Cron expression for the above mentioned schedule is – 0 0 17 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI *

    5 years, 5 months ago in reply to: History tables’ incremental sync fails #5700

    History tables sync in version 6.1.15 does not support incremental updates, this is supported in the newer version and upgrading helps, the workaround would be to write a filter on the Object/table in DBSync based on the CreatedDate field.

    5 years, 7 months ago in reply to: Non-replicable / Non-deletable object #5684

    This is because few objects like AccountShare, LeadShare, etc. cannot be incrementally updated as Salesforce does not let us query those. In order to replicate these objects you need to enable the option – ‘Process only non-replicatable objects’ in the DBSync Cloud Replication tool under Advanced settings tab.


    Yes, if the data that needs to be synced is large and does not fit in the specified field you would receive the error mentioned, increasing the size of that field resolves this.


    Yes, manually changing the size of the field/column in database resolves the issue, change the datatype and size based on the type of data the field holds.


    Yes, any notifications regarding the sync will not be received if Deliverability options are not set to ‘All e-mails’ in Email Administration in Salesforce.
    In setup | Administration setup | Email Administration | Deliverability, verify if the access level is set to “All e-mails”, this would allow emails to be sent from Salesforce when sync completes.

    7 years ago in reply to: Batch script erroring out #5653 file located under the directory location ‘<>dbsync-replWEB-INFdbconf’ usually stores any proxy settings that are defined in Global Settings on Replication User Interface, usually if this file is missing the above mentioned error is thrown when a sync runs.
    Files under ‘conf’ directory are mandatory for smooth functioning of the sync.

    7 years ago in reply to: Deleted records #5651

    When records are deleted in Salesforce and after a incremental or Cleancopy sync is run, the do_sync_flag is set to value ‘D’ and IsDeleted field is set to value ‘true’. The sync might not have run after those records are deleted.

    8 years, 5 months ago in reply to: Email notification on sync error #5636

    There is a option/checkbox called “Note: An email message will be sent only if an error occurs” , this can be enabled in Notifications tab of DBSync Cloud Replication to receive emails only if an error occurs.If you do not want to receive any emails then do not specify any Email recipients.

    8 years, 5 months ago in reply to: Email notification on sync error #5635

    There is a option/checkbox to receive emails only if an error occurs, this can be enabled in Notifications tab of DBSync Cloud Replication.If you do not want to receive any emails then do not specify any Email recipients.

    8 years, 5 months ago in reply to: File replication #5634

    DBSync will keep the existing files with duplicates if the option/ checkbox “Keep Multiple version of files when downloading (Will rename older version before downloading new ones)” is selected, otherwise the files are updated by overwriting the existing files.

    The option/checkbox “Keep Multiple version of files when downloading (Will rename older version before downloading new ones)” can be found under Database details tab of the DBSync Cloud Replication and enabling “Advanced Settings for File Download (Beta Feature)”.

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