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Could you explain about Marketing list?
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Marketing lists in Dynamics CRM provide a way for you to group your accounts, contacts and leads so that you can market to specific segments more effectively. Marketing lists contain “members”—lead, contact, or account records—that meet a specific criteria or are managed manually by users. They can be either static or dynamic. Here are some common reasons for creating marketing lists:
• To send out company newsletters
• To distribute promotional emails
• To send event information and updates
• To use in mail merges
Static vs. Dynamic Marketing Lists
A Dynamic Marketing List is where membership to that list is defined by an advanced find associated with the marketing list. Whenever a new record is created or updated and meets the criteria of the marketing list query, it will automatically be added to the marketing list.
A Static Marketing List is where members are added using various methods except dynamically through an advanced find. Each member can be added manually or through a lookup.
Creating a Static Marketing List
1. On the Navigation Bar, click Microsoft Dynamics CRM and then click on Sales or Marketing.
2. Click on the down arrow next to Sales or Marketing, click on Marketing Lists.
3. Click on the New button in the command bar.
4. Enter an appropriate Name.
5. Choose the Targeted At. Note that this cannot be changed once the record is saved and only members of the same type can be added.
6. Choose Static in Type. This cannot be changed once the record is saved.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Manage Members in the Command Bar
9. Choose an option to add or remove members of this list.
i. Choose Lookup to add members one by one.
ii. Choose Advanced Find to add members based on a specific criteria.

Adding Members to a Static Marketing List
1. On the Navigation Bar, click on Sales and go to a list of Contacts, Leads or Accounts. Note that you can only add the record type associated with the marketing list.
2. Check the box for a record (or multiple records).
3. Click on More Commands Button (…)
4. Click on Add to Marketing List

5. Choose the appropriate list.

Creating a Dynamic Marketing List
1. On the Navigation Bar, click Microsoft Dynamics CRM and then click on Sales or Marketing.
2. Click on the down arrow next to Sales or Marketing, click on Marketing Lists.
3. Click on the New button in the command bar.
4. Enter an appropriate Name.
5. Choose the Targeted At. Note that this cannot be changed once the record is saved and only members of the same type can be added.
6. Choose Dynamic in Type. This cannot be changed once the record is saved.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Manage Members in the Command Bar
9. Create the query.
10. Click on Find to test your query.

Total votes: 218